Complete Publication List

Mariagrazia Fugini

ORCID Publications Link

International Books

M.G.Fugini, P.Maggiolini, and R.Salvador Vallés, Sistemas y tecnologías de la información en las organizaciones, Piramide Publisher, Madrid, March 2018

E.Bracci, M.G. Fugini, M.F. Sicilia (Eds.), Coproduction of Public Services, SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology  PoliMI SpringerBriefs,  July 2016.

TOISE Team, Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems, Springer, 2015.

M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, R. Salvador Vallés, e-Government and Employment Services – A Case Study in Effectiveness. POLIMI SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-02029-7, pp. 1-92, 2014.

C. Bellettini, M.G. Fugini (Eds.) Information Security Policies and Actions in Modern Integrated Systems, IDEA Book Publishing, 2004.

S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, G. Martella, P. Samarati, Database Security, Addison-Wesley Int. Publ., 1995.

Books in Italian (Text Books)

C.Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, B.Pernici, P.Plebani, M.Vitali. Fondamenti di  Sistemi Informativi per il settore dell’informazione, Amazon, Prime, 2018 (

C.Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, B.Pernici, P.Plebani, M.Vitali. Dispense di Sistemi Informativi, 2017.

F. Amarilli, D. Ardagna, M.G. Fugini, R. Tedesco, Impianti Informatici. Tecnologie e Applicazioni, McGraw-Hill Italia, 2007.

D. Ardagna, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, Sistemi Informativi Basati su Web, collana Sistemi Informativi, Franco Angeli, Volume VI, 2006.

M.G. Fugini, F. Maio, P. Plebani, Sicurezza dei Sistemi Informatici, Apogeo Editore, Marzo 2001.


Dynamic task assignment in workflows, Patent number: 7155720 Issue date: 26 Dec. 2006 Inventors: Fabio Casati, Silvana Castano, Mariagrazia Fugini Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., U.S. Classification 718/104; 718/100; 718/102

Refereed Journals 


C. Raibulet, K. Drira, C. Fornaro, M. G. Fugini, “Introduction to special issue on software architectures for smart and adaptive systems (SASAS)“, Information and Software Technology Volume 157 Issue C, May 2023 ,

M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, “Data and Process Quality Evaluation in a Textual Big Data Archiving System”, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, (JOCCH)., 15 (1), 1-16, 2022.

M.G.Fugini, J. Finocchi, P. Locatelli, “A Big Data Analytics Architecture for Smart Cities and Smart Companies”, Big Data Research, Elsevier Publ.,Elsevier Publ. 2021. 15 May 2021, 100192, ISSN 2214-5796, paper available at paper

C. Raibulet, K. Drira, M.G. Fugini, P. Pelliccione, T. Bures, “Software Architectures for Context-Aware Smart Systems”, Information and Software Technology, Volume 111, 2019, Pages 120-121, ISSN 0950-5849,

M.G. Fugini, P.Maggiolini, and R.Salvador Vallés. “A framework for benchmarking public websites in the labour sector.” International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 12.1 (2017): 45-69.

M.Teimourikia, M.G.Fugini, “Ontology development for run-time safety management methodology in Smart Work Environments using ambient knowledge.” Future Generation Computer Systems 68 (2017): 428-441.

N.Dessì, M.G.Fugini, I.B.Rodriguez, U.Wajid, “Special issue on advanced technologies enabling adaptive and collaborative smart systems.” Future Generation Computer Syst, 68 (2017): 361-364.

M.G. Fugini, M.Teimourikia, G Hadjichristofi, “A Web-based Cooperative Tool for Risk Management with Adaptive Security”, Future Generation Computer Syst., Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Collaborative Web, Vol.5,,  (2016): 409:422.

R Bonacin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, O. Nabuco, M.R. da Silveira, Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Collaborative Web, Foreword, Future Generation Comp. Syst.,  Vol. 54., (2016).

M.G. Fugini, F. Cirilli, P.Locatelli: “Integrated Care Solutions”, ERCIM News (102) (2015)

A. Kipp, T. Jiang, M.G Fugini, I. Salomie, “Layered Green Performance Indicators”, Future Generation Comp. Syst. 28 (2): 478-489, (2012).

A. Kipp, T. Jiang, J. Liu, M.G. Fugini, M. Vitali, B. Pernici, I. Salomie, “Applying Green Metrics to Optimise the Energy-consumption Footprint of IT Service Centres”, Int. J. of Space-Based and Situated Computing 5, 2(3), 158-174,(2012).

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Risk Assessment in Work Environments: Modelling and Simulation”, Wiley J. on Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, (2012).

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, “A Self-Healing Approach to Risk Management in Work Environments”, ERCIM News No. 84, (2011).

G. Friedrich, M.G. Fugini, E. Mussi, B. Pernici, G.Tagni, “Exception Handling for Repair in Service-Based Processes”, IEEE Trans. on Soft. Eng., vol.36, n. 2, pp.198-215, (2010).

M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, F. Ramoni, “Quality Analysis of Composed Services Through Fault Injection”, Information System Frontiers, Special Issue on Collaborative Business Processes, Volume 11, Issue 3 pp. 227- 239, (2009).

 F. Buccafurri, P. De Meo, M. Fugini, R. Furnari, A. Goy, G. Lax, P. Lops, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, D. Redavid, G. Semeraro, D. Ursino, “A Framework for Using Web Services to Enhance QoS for Content Delivery”, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Special Issue Intelligent Pervasive Multimedia Systems, pp. 26-35, Jan.-March (2009).

F. Buccafurri, P. De Meo, M. Fugini, R. Furnari, A. Goy, G. Lax, P. Lops, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, D. Redavid, G. Semeraro, D. Ursino, “Analysis of QoS in Cooperative Services for Real Time Applications”, Data & Knowledge Eng., Volume 67, Issue 3, December 2008, Pages 463-484, Elsevier, (2008).

L. Console, M.G. Fugini, and the WS-Diamond Team, “WS-DIAMOND: an Approach to Web Services – DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis, ERCIM News 70, Special Theme: “Service-Oriented Computing”, (2007).

M. Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, M.Mezzanzanica, “Analysis-Sensitive Conversion of Administrative Data into Statistical Information Systems”, J. of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), IGI, 9(4), Oct. – Dec. (2007).

C. Bellettini, M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, “Fuzzy selection of software components and of web services”, Soft Computing in Software Engineering, E. Damiani, C. L. Jain, M. Madravio (Eds.), Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing , Vol. 159, Springer-Verlag, (2004).

M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, “An Application within the Plan for E-Government”, Annals of Cases on Information Technology, Information Resources Management Association Publisher, vol. XX, n.. XX, (2003).

F.Casati, M.G. Fugini, I. Mirbel-Sanchez, B. Pernici, “WIRES: A Methodology for Development of Workflow Applications”, Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer Verlag Publ., vol.7, n.2, , pp.73-106, (2002).

M.G. Fugini, E. Orlandi, “Impact of Legislation on Database Design and Maintenance in Public Administration and Utilities”, J. of Software, Science Press Publ., vol. 13, n. 3, (2002).

F. Casati, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, “Managing Workflow Authorization Constraints Through Active Database Technology”, J. of Information Systems Frontiers, Special Issue on Workflow Automation and Business Process Integration, (2002).

P. Bosc, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Fuzzy Service Selection in a Distributed Object-Oriented Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 9, n. 5, pp. 682-698, October (2001).

C. Bellettini, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Automating and Rewarding Reuse in Small Development Groups”, Information and Software Technology, Kluwer Publ., vol. 43, Issue 1, pp. 651-660, October (2001).

F.Casati, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, I. Mirbel, B. Pernici, “Using Patterns to Design Rules in Workflows”, IEEE Trans. on Soft.Eng., vol. 26, n. 8, pp. 760-785, (2000).

E. Damiani. M.G. Fugini, “Dynamic Service Identification in a Distributed Environment”, J. of Applied Computational Intelligence, vol. 3, n. 4, (2000).

Proceedings of International Conferences


M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, E. Rossi, S. Comai, “Multimedia Georeferenced Contents for Climate Events: the MAGIS Approach”, Computing Conference 2023, 22-23 June 2023, London, “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”

S.Comai, J.Finocchi., M.G,Fugini, T.Mastos, A. Papadopoulos, (2022). Sharing Semantic Knowledge for Autonomous Robots: Cooperation for Social Robotic Systems. In: Pardede, E., Delir Haghighi, P., Khalil, I., Kotsis, G. (eds) Information Integration and Web Intelligence. iiWAS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13635. Springer, Cham.

M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, E. Rossi, “Adaptive Semantic Enrichment of Cartography for Intangible Cultural Heritage and Citizen Journalism”, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC’22), San Francisco, 3-4 March 2022. pp. 173-185, Springer, Cham, 2022.paper

S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Techniques for the Analysis of Conceptual Schemas”, SEBD’22, “Taste of Time” Award, June 2022.

M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, and E. Rossi “Adaptive Ontologies for Multimedia Maps”, EARET Track in 32nd BARCELONA International Conference on “Science, Engineering and Waste Management” (BSEWM-22),  Dec. 5-7, 2022 Barcelona, Spain.

M.Atzori, A. Barenghi, S.Comai, M.G. Fugini, D.Marcia, G. Pelosi, M. Sanguinetti and V.Scotti, “Improving Work Life Conditions via Portable Knowledge-Driven Recommender System”, SEBD’21, Sept.2021.

P.Guerrieri, S.Comai, M.G. Fugini, “WECRAFT: a Platform for Networking Rural Craftsmen in Co-Production of Artisanal Crafts”, IEEE WETICE W2T’21 Conf., Basque Coast – Bayonne, France, Sept.2021.

S.Mirza,H.Abbas, W.B. Shahid, N.Shafqat, M.G.Fugini, Z.Iqbal, Z.Muhammad, A Malware Evasion Technique for Auditing Android Anti-Malware Solutions”, IEEE WETICE CoNeSec’21 Conf., Basque Coast – Bayonne, France, Sept.2021.

M.G.Fugini, J.Finocchi, “Gesture Recognition in an IoT environment: a Machine Learning-based Prototype”, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC.21), Vancouver, 2021. Vol. 1363 of the Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. paper

M.G.Fugini, J.Finocchi,” Quality Evaluation for Documental Big Data Tools”, ICEIS’20Conf., Prague, May 2020.

M. Fugini, A. Barenghi, S. Comai, G. Pelosi, R. Tedesco, Mvan Gasteren, et al., “WorkingAge: Providing Occupational Safety through Pervasive Sensing and Data Driven Behavior Modeling”, Proc. 30th European Safety and Reliability ESREL 2020 Conf. and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Research Publishing, Singapore, ISBN: 981-973-0000-00-0 :: doi: 10.3850/981-973-0000-00-0 output. paper

de Almeida, R M Resende; Aguado, Y Bueno; Atzori, M; Barenghi, A; Borghini, G; Ortega, C A Catalina; Comai, S; R Losada Duran, Fugini, M.; Gunes, H; Lancis, B M; Pelosi, G; Ronca, V; L Sbattella, R Tedesco; Xu, T., “Decision Support Systems to Promote Health and Well-being of People during their Working Age: the Case of the WorkingAge EU Project”, Int. Conf.on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, Samos, July 2020. paper

M.G Fugini, J. Finocchi, G. Trasa, “Gesture Recognition for Navigation in Multi-Dimensional Data“, IEEE WETICE Conf., Sept. 2020.

C.Raibulet, K. Drira, M.G.Fugini, G. Nunes Lo, P.Pelliccione, and T. Bures. 2020. Report of the 2nd International Workshop on Context-aware Autonomous and Smart Architectures (CASA@ECSA 2018). SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 45, 1 (Jan. 2020), 14–17. DOI:

M.G.Fugini, J.Finocchi, F.Leccardi. P. Locatelli, and A. Lupi “A Text Analytics Architecture for Smart Companies”, IEEE WETICE W2T’19 Conf., Capri, June 2019.

N.Badr, M. Sorrentino, M. De Marco and M.G. Fugini, “Improving Interaction in Integrated Chronic Care Management”, IEEE WETICE W2T’19 Conf., Capri, June 2019.

R. Bonacin, M.G.Fugini,O.Nabuco, R.Martoglia,F.Sais, “Foreword to IEEE W2T Track “, IEEE WETICE W2T’19 Conf., Capri, June 2019.

C. Raibulet, M.G. Fugini, K.Drira, P.Pelliccione, I.Gerostathopoulos, C. Prefoher, and K. Moessne. 2019. Report of the 1st International Workshop on Context-Aware Autonomous and Smart Architectures (CASA@ECSA 2017). SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 43, 4 (January 2019), 52-53. DOI:

M.G.Fugini, P.Maggiolini, and R.Salvador Vallés, “Why e-Government Systems Fail: The Systems for the Labor Market”, ISMS 2018,  February 22-23, 2018.  Malta.

M.G.Fugini, J.Finocchi, “Innovative Big Data Analytics: A System for Document Management”, IEEE WETICE W2T’18 Conf., Paris, June 27-29, 2018.

A. Javaid, I. Rashid, H. Abbas, M.G.Fugini, “Ease or Privacy? A Comprehensive Analysis on Android Embedded Adware”, IEEE WETICE W2T’18 Conf., Paris, June 27-29, 2018.

R.Bonacin, M.G.Fugini, R.Martoglia, O.Nabuco, “Semantic technologies in smart information sharing and web collaboration”, Editorial  IEEE WETICE Conf.,Paris, June 27-29, 2018.

M.Teimourikia, M.G.Fugini, C. Raibulet, “Run-Time Security and Safety Management in Adaptive Smart Work Environments”, IEEE WETICE W2T’17 Conf., Poznan, June 21-23, 2017.

M.G.Fugini, W. Cellary, “Editorial WETICE Conference”, IEEE WETICE Conf.,Poznan, June 21-23, 2017.

M.Teimourikia, M.G. Fugini, E.Zio, “Methodology for Safety Management of Smart Work Environments”,  IEEE WETICE W2T’16 Conf., Paris, June 2016.

M.Teimourikia, G.Marilli, M.G. Fugini,”Context-based Risk-Adaptive Security Model and Run-time Conflict Analysis”, DEXA Conf., Porto September,  pp. 121-135, 2016.

C. Argiolas, N.Dessì, M.G. Fugini, B.Pes, “ Enabling Secure and Collaborative Document Sharing in BIM Processes”, ISCIS 2015, London.

N.Restifo, F.Cirilli, L. Gastaldi, M.G. Fugini, G. Garavaglia, and L.Chiantore,   “Health and social care services for frail people: ICT as a sustainable enabler of integrated care”. In International conference eHealth 2015: 193-197.

N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, G.Garau, B.Pes, “Architectural and Security Aspects in Innovative Decisional Supports”, Proc. ITAIS’13 Conf., Dec.14, 2013.

M.G.Fugini, G.Hadjichristofi, M.Teimourikia: “Dynamic Security Modeling in Risk Management Using Environmental Knowledge”, WETICE 2014: 429-434.

M.G. Fugini, M. Teimourikia, “Access Control Privileges Management for Risk Areas”, ISCRAM-med 2014: 98-111.

M.G. Fugini,G.Hadjichristofi, M.Teimourikia: “Adaptive Security for Risk Management Using Spatial Data”. DEXA Munich, Sept. 2014: 343-351.

M.G. Fugini, M. Teimourikia, “Risks in smart environments and adaptive access controls”, INTECH, London, 2014.

M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, R. Salvador Vallès, “E-Government Typologies, Stakeholder Relationships, and Information Systems Support: the case of Services to Employment”, Proc. ECEG 2013, Como, June 13-14, 2013, pp.187-195.

C.Cappiello, S .Datre, M.G. Fugini, P.Melià, B.Pernici, P. Plebani, M.Gienger, A.Tenschert. “Monitoring and assessing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in cloud-based systems”, IEEE SMC 2013, Manchester, Oct. 13-16, 2013.

M.G. Fugini, J.A. Parejo Maestre, “Energy Analysis of Services through Green Metrics: Towards Green Certificates”, Proc. ICISTM Conf., Grenoble, March 28-30, 2012, pp.247-258.

B. Pernici, C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, M. Vitali, I. Salomie, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, E. Henis, R. Kat, D. Chen, G. Goldberg, M. Vor dem Berge, W. Christmann, A. Kipp, T. Jiang, M. Bertoncini, D. Arnone, and A. Rossi, “Setting Energy Efficiency Goals in Data Centres: the GAMES approach”, 1st Int.Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC’12), Madrid, May 8th, 2012.

M.G. Fugini, J.A. Parejo Maestre, “Methodology for Green Certificates of Service Applications”, Proc. IEEE W2T/WETICE 2012 Conf., Toulouse, June 2012.

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, F. Ramoni, “Preventing Risks in Work Environments: Modeling Concepts and Simulation”, ISCIS 2011, London, Sept. 26-28, 2011, in Computer and Information Sciences II, E. Gelenbe, R. Lent and G.Sakellari Editors, Springer, pp. 425-431.

C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, M. Vitali, “Business Process Co-design for Energy-Aware Adaptation”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP2011), Special Session on Green Computing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 25 – 27, 2011.

M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, “Security and Trust in Cloud Scenarios”, 1st IEEE Int.Workshop on Securing Services on the Cloud, In conjunction with the 5th int. Conf. on Network and System Security (NSS2011), Milano, Sept. 7, 2011.

A. Barenghi, G.M. Bertoni, L. Breveglieri, M.G. Fugini, G. Pelosi, “Smart Metering in Power Grids: Application Scenarios and Security”, 1st IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia Conf., Perth, November 13-16, 2011.

C. Cappiello, M. G.Fugini, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Green Information Systems for Sustainable IT”, in: A. D’Atri, M. Ferrara, G. Joey, F., P. Spagnoletti (Eds.), Information Technology and Innovation Trends, Physica-Verlag, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 153-160.

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, F. Ramoni, “A Prototype for Risk Prevention and Management in Working Environments”, in: A. D’Atri, M. Ferrara, G. Joey, F., P. Spagnoletti (Eds.), Information Technology and Innovation Trends, Physica-Verlag, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 469-477.

M.G. Fugini, A. Kipp, T. Jiang, “Green Metrics for energy-aware IT systems”, 5th Int. Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2011), June 30th-July 2nd, 2011 Seoul, Korea, pp. 241-248.

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, “Service-Oriented Architecture for Risk Management”, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on New Technologies of Distributed Systems NOTERE’11, Paris, May 10 – 12, 2011.

C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Application Driven IT Service Management for Energy Efficiency”, Proc. of 2011 SIGGreen Workshop. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(131).

M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, C. Raibulet, “Trusted Services for Risk Management in Work Environments”, 5th FTRA IEEE International Conf.on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE’11), Crete, June 28-30, 2011, 177-182.

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, S. Pinardi, “Smart Solutions for Risk Prevention through Analysis of Persons’ Movements”, in Grid and Pervasive Computing, Int. Workshops, S3E, in Conjunction with GPC 2011, Oulu, Finland, May 11-13, 2011. LNCS, Vol. 7096,  2012, 3-13.

M.G. Fugini, R. Israëls, C. Raibulet, F. Ramoni, “Simulation of Risks for Monitoring and Prevention”, Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), Miami, July 7 – 9, 2011, 602-607.

C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, G.R. Gangadharan, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “First-step Toward Energy-aware Adaptive Business Processes” Springer, (pp. 6-7). :9783642169601 In: COOPIS 2010 Int. Conference. Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, DOI:, 2010.

M.G. Fugini, G.R. Gangadharan, B. Pernici, “Designing and Managing Sustainable IT Service Systems”, in Competitive and Sustainable Manufacturing, Product and Services (APMS) Conf. 2010, Cernobbio, Italy, Oct. 11-13, 2010.

C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, P. Plebani,“Efficienza Energetica nei Sistemi Informativi: l’approccio GAMES”, AICA Conf., L’Aquila, 28-30 Sett. 2010.

V. Andrikopoulos, M.G. Fugini, M. P. Papazoglou, M. Parkin, B.Pernici, H. Siadat, “QoS Contracts Formation and Evolution”, in 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2010), Bilbao, Aug.30-Sept.3, 2010, pp. 119-130.

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Risk Characterization and Prototyping”, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on New Technologies of Distributed Systems NOTERE’10, Tozeur, Tunisia, May 31-June 2, 2010, pp. 57-64.

M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “A Web-Service Architectural Perspective on Risk Management in Work Environments”, Proc. 2010 Workshop Living experience through the web (Web2Touch), in conjunction with NOTERE’2010 , May 29 – 30, 2010, Tozeur – Tunisia, pp. 327-332.

C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Application Driven IT Service Management for Energy Efficiency”, SIGGreen Workshop, Int. Conf. on Information Systems (ICIS) 2010, St. Louis December 12 – 15, 2010.

M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, “A Dynamic Web Service-based Trust and Reputation Scheme for Scientific Workflows”, in 12th Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010), Paris, Nov. 8-10, 2010, pp. 56-63.

M.Cesarini, M. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, M. Mezzanzanica, R. Salvador Valles, “The Neglected Problem: How to Really Benchmark the Effectiveness of ICT Based Services? A Case Study”, Proc. 14th Conf. of AIM (Association Information and Management), Marrakech, June 10 -12, 2009.

M.G. Fugini, “A Service Integration Platform for the Labor Market”, Proc. ICEIS Conf., Milano, May 6-10, 2009, Best Paper Award in the Information Systems Analysis and Specification Area. 

N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, B. Pes, “A Distributed Trust and Reputation Framework for Scientific Grids”, Proc. RCIS’09 Conf., Fez, April 22-24, 2009.

M.G. Fugini, H.Siadat, “SLA Contract for Cross-layer Monitoring and Adaptation”, in Event driven BPM (edBPM) Workshop, Ulm, Sept. 2009.

M.G., Maggiolini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Reflections on Web-Oriented Architectures for Risk Management”, in 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM Int. Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, Intelligent E-Government and Emergency Management (EGOVEM) Workshop, Milan, Sept. 2009.

G. M. Conti, F. Rizzo, M.G. Fugini, C.Raibulet, L.Ubezio, “Wearable Services in Risk Management”, in 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, Web2Touch Workshop, Milan, Sept. 2009.

M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Risk Management through Real-Time Wearable Services”, in Proc of the 4th Int.Conf. on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2009), Porto, Sept. 20-25, 2009.

A.Bosin, N. Dessi, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, “Open Source Environments for Collaborative Experiments in e-Science”, 4th Int.Conference on Open Source Systems, IFIP World Computer Congress, 2008.

N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini Ramachandriya Amarnath B., “Policies and Security Aspects for Distributed Scientific Laboratories”, IFIP SEC 2008 Conference, IFIP World Computer Congress, 2008.

A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, B. Pes, “Cooperative E-Organizations for Distributed Bioinformatics Experiments”, Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2008), Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 2008, LNCS, vol. 5326, pp. 306–313, Springer 2008.

M. Comuzzi, M.G. Fugini, S.Modafferi, “Quality Contracts for Cooperative Services and Associated Resources”, Collaborative Business Processes (CBP) Workshop, (BPM 2008), 2008.

M. Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, M. Mezzanzanica, K. Nanini, and R. Boselli, “Why is True eGovernment still Difficult to be Achieved?” in E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science, Book Series IFIP Int.Federation for Information Processing, Springer Boston, ISSN 1571-5736 (Print) 1861-2288 (Online), Volume 280/2008, Pages 11-20.

O. Nabuco, R. Ben Halima, K. Drira, M.G.Fugini, S.Modafferi, E.Mussi, “Model-based QoS-enabled Self-Sealing Web Services”, DEXA 2008 Workshop – First Int.Workshop on Engineering Non-Functional INformation for Emerging Systems (EN-FINES’08), 2008, pp. 711-715.

C. Argiolas, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, “Modeling Trust Relationships in Collaborative Engineering Projects”, 7th Int. Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business, April 22 – 25, 2008.

M. Cesarini, I. Celino, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, F. De Paoli, J. Estublier, M.G. Fugini, P. Guarrera, M. Kerrigan, M. Mezzanzanica, Z. Gutowsky, J. Ramìrez, B.Villazón, G. Zhao, “SEEMP: A Marketplace for the Labour Market”, Proc. E-Challenges Conference, The Hague, Oct. 2007.

E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, K. Reed, “Assessing Business Process Security: a Service-Oriented Approach”, Proc. AMCIS 2007 American Conference, Information Security Within and Across Business Networks Track, Keystone, Colorado, Aug. 2007.

M.Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, M.Mezzanzanica, K.Nanini, “Coopetition: a Solution to Knowledge Management Problems in Information-based Services? A Case Study Concerning Work Market Services”, Proc. XVII International RESER Conference, 13-15th Sept. 2007.

M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, F. Ramoni, “Quality Analysis of Composed Services through Fault Injection, Proc. CBP’2007 Int. Workshop on Collaborative Business Processes, Brisbane Australia Sept. 2007, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 0302-974, Volume 4928/2008 “Business Process Management Workshops”, 2008, pp.245-256.

M.G. Fugini, “A Security Model and Architecture for Multichannel E-Government Systems”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS’07), Vienna, April, 2007.

F. Amigoni, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, “Design and Execution of Distributed Experiments, Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, (ICEIS’07), Madeira, June 2007.

M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “A Security Framework for Self-Healing Services”, Proc. 5th CAiSE UMICS’07 Workshop, Trondheim, June 2007.

WS-Diamond Team, “WS-DIAMOND: an approach to Web Services – DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis”, Proc. E-Challenges Conference, The Hague, Oct.2007.

M. Cesarini, M Fugini, M Mezzanzanica, F Ramoni, “Services Federation in the European Employment System”, 10/2007; ISBN: 9789728924447, Proc. IADIS Int.Conference WWW/Internet, Lisbona, Oct. 2007.

A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “Supporting Distributed Experiments in Cooperative Environments”, Proc. Intl. Workshop ENEI’2005, Nancy, Sept.2005, also in Springer-VerlagBerlin/Heidelberg, Business Process Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3812, C. Bussler, A. Haller (Eds.), pp. 281 – 292,vol. 25, 2006.

A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “Applying Enterprise Models to Design Cooperative Scientific Environments”, Business Process Management Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3812, pp. 281-292, 2006.

M. Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, P. Mariani, M. Mezzanzanica, K. Nanini, “Customer Communication Management: The Case Study of the Italian Employment Information System, Proc. IADIS WWW/Internet Conference, Murcia (Spain), Oct. 2006.

M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, M. Cesarini, “Analysis-sensitive Conversion of Administrative Data into Statistical Information Systems, Poster Paper, 8th Int. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2006), Cyprus, May 2006.

M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, K. Nanini, “Supporting e-Placement: Achievements in the Italian Workfare Project”, Proc. 8th Int. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, (ICEIS 2006), Cyprus, May 2006.

M. Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini M. Mezzanzanica, K. Nanini, “The Italian E-Government Plans: Experiences in the Job Marketplace and in Statistical Information Systems”, Proc. European Conference on E-Government (ECEG 2006), Marburg, April 2006.

M.G. Fugini, E. Mussi, “Recovery of Faulty Web Applications through Service Discovery”, Proc. 1st SMR-VLDB Workshop, Matchmaking and Approximate Semantic-based Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives, 32nd VLDB Conference, Seoul, Korea, September 2006, pp. 67-80.

M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, F. Ramoni, “A User Driven Policy Selection Model”, Proc. ICSOC’06 Conf., pp. 427-433, Chicago, December 2006.

M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, B. Pagamici, “Network E-governance: Organizational, Law, and Technological Perspectives”, Proc. IADIS Int. Conference on e-Society, Malta, June 2005.

M.Callea, L.Campagna, M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, “Contracts for defining QoS Levels in a Multichannel Adaptive Information System”, Proc. 1st IFIP Int. Conference on Mobile Information Systems (MOBIS’04), Oslo, Sept. 2004.

M.G. Fugini, “A Security Model and Architecture for Multichannel Systems”, Proc. IADIS Int.Conference on e-Society, Malta, June 2005.

L. Baresi, D. Bianchini, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Context-aware Composition of E-Services”, Proc. VLDB-TES Workshop, Berlin, September 2003.

M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, “Development of a Security Methodology for Cooperative Information Systems”, 11th European Conference on Information Systems, Naples, June 2003.

M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, “Security aspects in B2M2C applications”, Information Security Conference IS2, Prague, May 2001 (Invited Paper).

M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, “A Methodology for Development of Trusted Cooperative Information Systems”, Conference on Information Resource Management, Seattle, May 2002.

Chapters in International Books

S. Comai, J. Finocchi, M.G. Fugini, T. Mastos, A. Papadopoulos, “Sharing Semantic Knowledge for Autonomous Robots: Cooperation for Social Robotic Systems”, 24th Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web Intelligence, iiWAS 2022. Bari, Italy, Nov 28-30, 2022. To appear in  Information Integration and Web Intelligence, Volume 13635, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

F.Amarilli, F. Amigoni, M.G. Fugini, G.P.Zarri, “A Semantic-Rich Approach to IoT Using the Generalized World Entities Paradigm”, in Managing the Web of Things: Linking the Real World to the Web, M.Sheng, Y.Qin, L.Yao,B.Benatallah (Eds.),Morgan and Kaufmann, (2017).

E.Bracci, M.G.Fugini, M.Sicilia, “Co-production of Public Services: Meaning and Motivations”, in Co-production in the Public Sector (pp. 1-11). Springer International Publishing, (2016).

 M.G. Fugini, M. Teimourikia,  “The Role of ICT in Co-Production of e-Government Public Services”, in Co-production in the Public Sector (pp. 119-139). Springer International Publishing, (2016).M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, R. S. Vallès, “Public Innovative ICT Based Employment Service Success Factors”, in P. Spagnoletti (ed.), Organizational Change and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37228-5, Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 41-49.

A. Kipp, T. Jiang, J, Liu, M. G. Fugini, I. Anghel, T. Cioara, D. Moldovan, I. Salomie, Energy-aware provisioning of HPC services through virtualised web services, in Evolutionary Based Solutions for Green Computing, 2013: 29-53.

The WS-Diamond Team, “WS-DIAMOND Web Services – DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis”,  in At your service: An overview of results of projects in the field of service engineering of the IST program MIT Press Series on Information Systems, Co-editors J.Mylopoulos and M.Papazoglou (Eds.), 2009.

WS-Diamond Team, “WS-DIAMOND Web Services – DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis”, in At your service: An overview of results of projects in the field of service engineering of the IST program MIT Press Series on Information Systems, E. Di Nitto, J. Mylopoulos, M. Papazoglou (Eds.), June 2009.

I. Celino, D. Cerizza, M. Cesarini, E. Della Valle, F. De Paoli, J. Estublier, M.G. Fugini, A. Gómez Pérez, M. Kerrigan, J. Ramìrez, G. Vega., B. Villazón, and G. Zhao, “The SEEMP approach to Semantic Interoperability for E-Employment, Chapter 6 of Semantic Web for Business: Cases and Applications, R. García (Ed.) IGI Global, 2008.

A. Bosin A., N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes ALBA architecture as a proposal for OSS collaborative science, in Handbook of Research on Open Source Software, K. St. Amant and B. Still eds. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008).

A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes ALBA Cooperative Environment for Scientific Experiments, in Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, M. Freire and M. Pereira eds. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008).

A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes “The Future of Portals in e-Science”, in Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications, A. Tatnall ed. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008).

M. Cesarini, M. G.Fugini, P. Maggiolini, M. Mezzanzanica, K. Nanini, “A Solution to Knowledge Management in Information-Based Services Based on Coopetition, A Case Study Concerning Work Market Services”, in Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information systems Studies, A.D’Atri, M.De Marco, N. Casalino (Eds.), Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2008, pp. 189- 196.

A. Bosin A., N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “ALBA architecture as a proposal for OSS collaborative science”, in Handbook of Research on Open Source Software, K. St. Amant and B. Still eds. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008).

 A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “ALBA Cooperative Environment for Scientific Experiments”, in Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, M. Freire and M. Pereira eds. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008).

A.Bosin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “Virtual Enterprise Environments for Scientific Experiments”, in Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organziations, Idea Group Publisher, Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela Cunha (Eds.), 2007.

A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “Open Source Software for e-Science”, in Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives, Kirk St. Amant and Brian Still (Eds.), July 2006.

M. Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, K. Nanini, “Security Issues in Distributed Web Based Transactions: an Overview on the Italian Employment Information System”, in Encyclopedia of Public Information Technology, G. David Garson and Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, (Eds.), November 2006.

A.Bosin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “Cooperative Environments for Scientific Experiments”, in Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, M. Freire and M. Pereira (Eds.), November 2005.

M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, “A Methodology for Developing Trusted Information Systems: the Requirements Analysis Phase”, in Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology, R. Azari (ed.), IDEA Group 2003.

A. Belussi, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, G. Pozzi, F. Schreiber, L. Tanca, L. Tosi, “The DEAFIN Web-Geographical Information System: an Experience in the Integration of Territorial Reclamation Support Services”, in Web Enabled System Integration: Practice and Challenges, IDEA Group Publishing, 2002.

M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, “A Methodology for Secure Cooperative Information Systems Development: the Requirements Collection Phase” in Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology, IDEA Group Publishing, 2002.

P. Bertolazzi, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “ Information System Design based on Reuse of Conceptual Components”, in Information Modeling in the Next Millennium, M. Rossi, K. Siau Eds., IDEA Group Publishing, April 2000.

Previous Chapters in International Books

L.Baresi, F. Casati, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, P.Green, I. Mirbel, B. Pernici, G. Pozzi, “Workflow Design Methodology”, in Database Support for Workflow Management: the WIDE Project, Chapter IV, P. Grefen, B. Pernici, G. Sanchez (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

F. Casati, M.G. Fugini, I. Mirbel, “An Environment for Designing Exceptions in Workflows”, in Advances Information Systems Engineering, B. Pernici, C. Thanos (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, n. 1413, 1998.

E.Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Fuzzy Identification of Distributed Components”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 1226, B. Reush (Eds.), in Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. Fuzzy Days, pp. 550-552, (Position Paper), Dortmund, March 1997.

R. Bellinzona, M.G. Fugini, V. De Mey, “Reuse of Specifications and Design in a Development Information System”, in Information Systems Design Process, N. Prakash, C. Rolland, B. Pernici (Eds.), North-Holland, 1993.

M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Reusable Requirements”, in Conceptual Modeling, CASE, and Information System Design, P. Loucopoulos, R. Zicari (Eds.), Wiley and So., 1992.

M.G. Fugini, M. Guggino, B. Pernici, “Reusing Specifications through a Sodeling and Composition Support Tool”, in Advanced Information Systems Engineering, R. Andersen, J.A. Bubenko jr., A. Solvberg (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1991.

M.G. Fugini, C. Stary, “Modeling Collaboration in Distributed Design Environments”, in Interactive Interfaces between Collective Support Systems and their Users, G. de Zeew (Ed.), Thesis Publisher, Amsterdam, 1991.

M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, J.R. Rames, C. Rolland, S. Pozzi, A. Vignaud, “Logical Design”, in Automatic Tools for Designing Office Information Systems, Chapter III, B. Pernici, C. Rolland (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Research Reports ESPRIT, October 1990.

 M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici “RECAST: a Tool for Reusing Requirements”, in Advanced Information Systems Engineering, B. Steiner, A. Solvberg, L. Bergman (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1990.

Previous Journal Papers

F. Casati, M.G. Fugini, I. Mirbel, “An Environment for Designing Exceptions in Workflows”, Information Systems, vol. 24, n. 3, (1999).

F. Casati, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, “Enforcing Workflow Security Constraints through Triggers”, Journal of Computer Security, IOM Press, 6, pp. 257-285, (1999).

E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, C. Bellettini “A Hierarchy-aware Approach to Faceted Classification of Object-Oriented Libraries”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 8, n. 3, , pp. 215-262, (1999).

S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Conceptual Schema Analysis: Techniques and Applications”, ACM Trans.on Database Systems, pp. 237-268, (1998).

E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Design and Code Reuse Based on Fuzzy Classification of Components”, Int.J.on Applied Software, vol. 1, n. 3/4, Special Issue on Software Reuse, 1996 (also in ACM Applied Computing Review (ACR), vol. 4, n. 2, Fall 1997).

S. Castano, S. De Capitani di Vimercati, M.G. Fugini, “Automated Derivation of Global Authorizations for Database Federations”, Journal of Computer Security, vol. 5, n. 4, IOM Press, 1997.

R. Bellinzona, S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B Pernici, “Requirements Reuse in the F3 Project”, Information Systems Engineering, AFCET/HERMES Publ., vol.2, 1996, pp.699-717 (Invited Paper).

S. Fäustle, M.G. Fugini, E. Damiani “Retrieval of Reusable Components Using Functional Similarity”, Software Practice & Experience, Wiley & Sons Publ., vol. 26, n. 5, 1996, pp.491-530.

C. Batini, S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Analysis of an Inventory of Information Systems in the Public Administration”, Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer Verlag Publ., vol.1, n. 1, 1996, pp. 47-62.

R. Bellinzona, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Reusing Specifications in O-O Applications”, IEEE Software Magazine, Special Issue on Development Tools vol. 12, n. 2, March 1995, pp. 65-75.

A. Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “Knowledge Based Document Retrieval in Office Environments: the Kabiria System”, ACM Trans. on Information Systems, vol.13, n.3, July 1995, pp. 237-268.

R. Bellinzona, M.G. Fugini, G. Martella, “An authorization mechanism for Unix-based cooperative environments”, Information Systems, Pergamon Press, vol. 16, n. 5, 1991, pp. 509-535.

B. Pernici, F. Barbic, M.G. Fugini R. Maiocchi, J.R. Rames, C. Rolland, “C-TODOS: an automatic tool for office system conceptual design’”, ACM Trans. on Information Systems, vol. 7. n. 4, October 1989, pp. 378-419.

Previous Papers in Conferences

C. Bellettini, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Querying UML/XMI Design Information”, Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Flexible Query Answering Systems, Warsaw, Poland October 25 – 27, 2000.

G. Dall’Agnola, M.G. Fugini, A. Lioy, F. Maino, F. Maio, D. Mazzocchi, “Securing Applications in the Demostene Project”, Proc. Information Security Solutions Europe, ISSE’99, Berlin, October 1999.

L. Baresi, S. Casati, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, I. Mirbel, B. Pernici, “Workflow Development Methodology”, Proc. of the Intl. Joint Conf. on Work Activities Coordination and Collaboration, WACC’99, San Francisco, CA, February 1999.

C. Bellettini, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “User Opinions and Awards in a Reuse Based Development System”, Proc. of the Symposium on Software Reusability SSR’99, ICSE Conf., Los Angeles, May 1999.

M.G. Fugini, F. Maio, “Projects for FIS Engineering in the Public Administration Domain”, Proc. of the 2nd Federated Information Systems Conf. (EFIS’99), Kühlungsborn at the Baltic Sea, May 1999.

C. Bellettini, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Design of an XML-based Trader for Dynamic Identification of Distributed Services”, Proc. 1st Symp. on Reusable Architectures and Components for Developing Distributed Information Systems, RACDIS’99 Conf., Orlando, FL, August 1999.

S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, F. Maio, “An Experience of engineering enterprise data and process knowledge”, Proc. IEEE DOmE (Domain Engineering) Workshop of the 11th Intl. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2000), Greenwich, London, UK, September 2000.

S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, “Rules and Patterns for Security in Workflow Systems”, Proc. 10-th Annual IFIP WG11.3 Working Conference on Database Security, Porto Carras Complex, Chilkidiki, Greece, July 1998.

P. Bosc, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Dynamic Service Identification in a CORBA-like Environment”, Proc. 1st Intl. Workshop on Innovative Internet Information Systems, Pisa, June 1998.

C. Bellettini, E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Automatically Polling User Opinions to Tune the Effectiveness of a Software Reuse System”, Proc. of the Fourth Joint Conf. on Information Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 1998.

S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, “Deriving Authorizations from Process Analysis in Legacy Information Systems”, Proc. IFIP Security Conf.1997, Copenhagen, May 1997.

E. Damiani, A. Formica, M.G. Fugini, M.Missikoff, R. Pizzicannella, “Reusing Analysis Schemas in ODB Applications: a Chart-based Approach”, Proc. ACM ADBIS’97 Conf., Advances in Databases and Information Systems, S. Petersburg, September 1997.

E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Fuzzy Techniques for Software Reuse”, Proc. 11th ACM Annual Symposium on Applied Computing, (SAC’96), Philadelphia, February 1996, (Invited Paper).

E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, “Automatic Thesaurus Construction Supporting Fuzzy Retrieval of Reusable Components”, Proc. 10th ACM Annual Symposium on Applied Computing, (SAC’95), Nashville, February 1995.

C. Francalanci, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Structuring Requirements: Existing Approaches and Automatic Support”, Proc. IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Antonio, Texas, October 1994.

S. Fäustle, M.G. Fugini, “Retrieval of Reusable Components from a Software Information Base”, Proc. 2nd IEEE Intl. Workshop on Advances in Software Reusability, Lucca, March 1993.

S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, G. Martella, P. Samarati, “Complementing Access Controls for Comprehensive Database Security”, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Information Systems and Management of Data CISMOD, Bangalore, July 1992.

A. Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “Browsing Office Knowledge in Accessing Document Bases”, Proc. IFIP WG8.3/WG8.4 Working Conf. on Support Functionality in the Office Environment, Canterbury, September 1991.

A. Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “Querying Office Systems about Document Roles”, Proc. 14th Intl. Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval ACM-SIGIR’91, Chicago, September 1991.

A. Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “Classification and Retrieval of Documents Using Office Organization Knowledge”, Proc. ACM/IEEE Conf. on Organizational Computing Systems COCS’91, Atlanta, November 1991.

Until 1990

M.G. Fugini, R. Maiocchi, R. Zicari, “Time Management in the Office-net system”, Proc. IFIP WG8.4 Working Conference, Toronto, August 1987. In “Office Knowledge: Representation, Management, and Utilization”, W. Lamersdorf (Ed.), North-Holland, 1988.

M.G. Fugini “Secure Database Development Methodologies”, Proc. 1st IFIP WG11.3 Workshop on Database Security, Annapolis, October 1987. In “Database Security I: Status and Prospects”, C.E. Landwehr (Ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam,1988.

M.G. Fugini, R. Zicari, “Access Control and Authorization in the Office-net System”, Proc. 5th IFIP International Conference on Computer Security IFIP/Security’88, Queensland, Australia May 1988. In “Computer Security in the Age of Information”, W.J. Caelli (Ed.), Elsevier Sc. Publishers, 1989.

 G. Bracchi, M.G. Fugini, “Database Support to Office System Design”, Proc. 6th British National Conference on Databases BNCOD’88, W.A. Gray (Ed.), Cardiff, July 1988 (Invited Paper).

M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “An Approach to Distributed Conceptual Design of Office Systems”, Proc IFIP WG 8.4 Working Conference on “Office Information Systems: The Design Process”, Linz, August 1988. In “Office Information Systems: the Design Process”, B. Pernici, A. Verrijn-Stuart (Eds.), North-Holland 1989.

R. Bellinzona, M.G. Fugini, G. Martella, “An Extension to Unix Protection Mechanisms to Support Flexible Resource Sharing and Discretionary Authorization”, Proc. IEEE Int. Computer Science Conference, Hong Kong, December 1988.

 G. Bracchi, M.G. Fugini “The Future of Office Automation: Advanced Design Techniques for Office Applications”, Proc. IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, S. Francisco, August 1989 (Invited Paper).

A.Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “A Modeling Paradigm for Semantic Retrieval of Office Documents”,  BNCOD’90, A. Brown (Ed.), York, July 1990.

A.Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “Knowledge-based Retrieval of Office Documents”, ACM-SIGIR’90, Bruxelles, September 1990.

M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Cooperative Development of Reusable Design Units”, Position Paper, ACM-SIGSOFT CASE’90 Workshop, Irvine, CA, December 1990.

Articles in Italian Journals – Other Conferences

  • M.G. Fugini, “Un dizionario di progetto per la progettazione cooperativa”, Sistemi e Impresa, ESTE Editrice, Aprile 1991, (anche in Atti Giornata AICA “Evoluzione degli strumenti di specifica dei requisiti nel progetto di Sistemi Informativi”, Milano, 23 Novembre 1990).
  • S. Di Narda, M.G. Fugini, “Una metodologia per lo sviluppo di applicazioni sicure”, Rivista di Informatica, vol. XXII, n. 4, (Ottobre-Dicembre 1990).
  • C. Batini, S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Analisi degli schemi della rilevazione dei sistemi informativi della pubblica amministrazione”, Rivista di Informatica, vol. XXVII, n. 3, (Settembre-Dicembre) 1997.
  • M.G. Fugini, S. Lauro, F. Maio, R. Pirola, “Ristrutturazione del Sistema Informativo Regionale della Lombardia”, Sistemi e Impresa, ESTE Editore, Aprile 1999.
  • M.G. Fugini, E. Bianchi, “Sistemi informativi cooperativi. Aspetti di progettazione della sicurezza – PARTE 1: analisi e design”, Sistemi e Impresa, ESTE Editore, n. 6 Luglio/Agosto 2003.
  • M.G. Fugini, E. Bianchi, “Sistemi informativi cooperativi. Aspetti di sicurezza – PARTE 2: implementazione e deployment”, Sistemi e Impresa, ESTE Editore, n. 7, Gennaio/Febbraio 2004.
  • M.G. Fugini, K. Nanini, “Supporto alle politiche attive per l’occupazione: il Portale BORSA CONTINUA NAZIONALE DEL LAVORO, Toolnews, Dicembre 2005.
  • M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, B. Pagamici, “Perchè è difficile fare vero Governo Elettronico”, Sviluppo&Organizzazione, 2007.
  • M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, B. Pagamici, “Perché è Difficile Fare Vero E-Government, in Etica e Responsabilità Sociale delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione, vol.2 – Etica ed Internet, F.Angeli, pp.131-146, 2010.

Italian Conferences and Other International Conferences

  • S. Fäustle, M.G. Fugini, “Interrogazioni di progetto basate su criteri di somiglianza su una base descrittiva di software riutilizzabile”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Siena, (Settembre 1991).
  • R. Bellinzona, M.G. Fugini, “Riutilizzo di specifiche dei requisiti da una base di progetto”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Torino, (Ottobre 1992).
  • A. Celentano, M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi, “Conceptual document browsing and retrieval in Kabiria”, Video Session, ACM-SIGMOD Conf., San Diego, (June 1992).
  • S. Castano, V. De Antonellis, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici “Techniques for the analysis of conceptual schemas”, Atti Convegno Annuale Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD’95), Ravello, (Maggio 1995).
  • C. Batini, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini P. Naggar, M. Pellizzoni, B. Pernici, “Tecniche per l’analisi di descrizioni di processi nella Pubblica Amministrazione”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Cagliari, (Settembre 1995).
  • E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini, R. Zoccali “Uno schema di classificazione di componenti basato su adattabilità fuzzy”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Cagliari, (Settembre 1995).
  • M.G. Fugini, M.P. Gaggia, “Modellizzazione di processi nell’analisi dei requisiti: tecniche orientate agli oggetti”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Cagliari, (Settembre 1995).
  • E.Damiani, M.G. Fugini, E.Fusaschi, “Un’estensione fuzzy del modello relazionale per il riutilizzo di componenti software”, Atti Convegno Annuale Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD’96), S.Miniato, (Luglio 1996).
  • F. Casati, S. Castano, M.G. Fugini, I. Mirbel, and B. Pernici. “WERDE: a pattern-based tool for exception design in workflows”, Atti Convegno Annuale Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD’98), Ancona, (Giugno 1998).
  • M.G. Fugini, F. Maio, “Piano di ristrutturazione del Sistema Informativo Regionale della Lombardia”, Atti Convegno Annuale Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati (SEBD’99), Como, (Settembre 1999).
  •  M.G. Fugini, S. Lauro, F. Maio, R. Pirola, “Linee guida per lo sviluppo del Sistema Informativo Regionale (SIR) negli anni 1998 – 2000”, “Sistemi & Impresa”, N.3 Aprile 1999, E.S.T.E. Edizioni Scientifiche Tecniche Europee, Milano.
  •  M.G. Fugini, E. Orlandi, “IT issues for utilities in a competitive environment”, Proc. 17th National Database Conference, October 10-12, 2000, Baoding, Hebei, China.
  •  M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, P. Plebani, “Il nuovo Portale Istruzione, Formazione e Lavoro della Regione Lombardia: interoperabilità e web services”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Conversano, (Settembre 2002).
  • M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica,”Politiche attive per il lavoro e servizi forniti dal Portale della Regione Lombardia nel quadro dei progetti di e-government”, in Collocamento tra pubblico e privato, edizioni Giuffré, Collana del Dipartimento di Diritto privato e del lavoro italiano e comparato (a cura di P. Olivelli), Marzo 2003.
  • M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, “Canali e servizi in sistemi informativi multicanale: una classificazione e un dominio applicativo”, Lavoro Breve, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Trento, Settembre 2003.
  • M. Fontana, M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, A. Mostosi, “Il modello federato dei servizi al lavoro nel piano di E-Government: Regione Lombardia, Province Lombarde, Operatori privati”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Trento, Settembre 2003.
  • M.G. Fugini, P.Maggiolini, B.Pagamici, “Perché è difficile fare E-Government”, Atti Convegno Annuale AICA, Benevento, (Settembre 2004); anche in Atti Convegno itAIS 2005 Conference Organising Information Systems: Evolution of Studies in the Field, Verona, Dicembre 2005.
  • F. Buccafurri, L.Console, P. De Meo, M.G. Fugini, A.Goy, G.Lax, P.Lops, S. Modafferi, B.Pernici, C.Picardi, D. Redavid, G.Semeraro, D.Ursino, “Modellazione della QoS in Ambienti Web-Service con Applicazioni di Video Streaming”, Atti Convegno Annuale Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati Proc. SEBD’07, pp.298-307, Brindisi, Giugno 2007.


• M.G. Fugini, E. Orlandi, “Census data and protection issues” in Informatik Forum, September 1989.

• M.G. Fugini, O. Nierstrasz, B. Pernici, “Application through Reuse: the Ithaca Tools Environment”, SIG-OIS Bulletin, vol.13, n. 2, August 1992 (also in Proc. First European Workshop on Software Process Modeling, Milano, May 1991).

• M.G. Fugini, E. Orlandi, “La riservatezza dei dati medici”, in Informatica di Base per la Medicina, UTET 1992.

• Finzi, M.G. Fugini, B. Mignemi, “Astronautica”, Enciclopedia delle Scienze, Vol.89 De Agostini, 1989.

• M.G. Fugini, “Datensicherheitsmassnahmen in Betriebsystemen und Datenbanken”, in Datensicherheit und Datenshuts, P.Fleissner, M.Choa (Eds.), Studien Verlag, 1996.

• M.G. Fugini, “Sicurezza nel commercio elettronico: un caso di studio”, Atti Convegno SMAU 2000, Milano, Settembre 2000.

• M.G. Fugini (Traduzione a cura di), An Invitation to Computer Science, Jackson Libri, 2002.

• M.G. Fugini (Traduzione a cura di), Method General de Specification des Systemes Informatiques, 2 Volumi dal Francese, Masson Editore, 1987.

Courses and Lecture Material

M.G. Fugini, G. Serazzi, “Area Sicurezza: Corso di Formazione sulla Sicurezza nel Commercio Elettronico per le Piccole e Medie Imprese”, Consorzio Politecnico Innovazione, Maggio 2001, pubblicato su sito Internet file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/fugini.DEI/programmi/qualcomm/eudora/attach/ Progetto Regionale 22/2000 L.R. 35/96.

M.G. Fugini, F. Maio, Sicurezza dei Sistemi Informativi, CUSL Milano, Ottobre 1999.

M.G. Fugini, “Materiale Didattico relativo al volume Sicurezza dei Sistemi Informatici”

M.G. Fugini, “Il Portale Servizi all’Impiego della Regione Lombardia”, materiale didattico modulo Laurea On-line corso Sistemi Informativi per la Pubblica Amministrazione, Politecnico di Milano, Febbraio 2003.

M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, “An Application within the Plan for E-EGovernment: the Workfair Portal”, 2003, 34 Editore CUSL (Milano).

M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, “Development of a Security Methodology for Cooperative Information Systems. The CoopSis project”, 2003, 20 p. Editore CUSL (Milano).

M.G. Fugini, M. Mezzanzanica, “Il sistema informativo per il mercato del lavoro. Modelli ed esempi di progettazione”, 2003, 27 Editore CUSL (Milano).