Office Address:
Building 20, Floor 1, Room 105
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano (MI), Italy
Phone Number: +39 02 2399-3624
Fax Number: +39 02 2399-3411
Email: mariagrazia.fugini at polimi.it
Mariagrazia Fugini is Professor of Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
Her research interests are in data security, enterprise information systems, services for digital Public Administrations, risk and safety management, service co-production, and assistive technologies in smart environments. She is broadly interested in the intersection of security, safety, ethics, and citizens science through adoption of business intelligence and machine learning techniques, with a focus on leveraging geo-temporal-information analysis for decision making. In current projects, she works on Social Science and Human Computer Interaction, promoting man-machine interaction in AI and robotics, to reduce risks and psychosocial stress intrinsically related to ICT.
She is involved in national and international Research Projects on Web-based Information Systems, Risk and Adaptive Security in Smart Environments, Safety and Ethics, Platforms for Social Care, for e-Health, for e-Government, for Cultural Heritage, and for Smart Aging. She is member of EU Women4Cyber https://women4cyber.eu/. Current European Projects: WorkingAge (2019-2022) – various proposals submitted on AI in Industry.
She has been a Visiting Professor at University of Maryland, University of California-Berkeley, Technical University of Vienna, University of Stuttgart and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
She has continuous cooperation with University of Maryland, UPC Barcelona, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, CTI Renato Archer-Brazil, Research Council of Norway, Anna University Chennai- India, ICTL Spain, NUST Pakistan.