Recent Publications

Publications in ORCID  link


  1. M.G. Fugini, S. Comai, J. Finocchi, E. Rossi, “Multimedia Georeferenced Contents for Climate Events: the MAGIS Approach”, Computing Conference 2023, 22-23 June 2023, London, United Kingdom.
  2. F.Salice, G.Castiglioni,  A. Masciadri, M.G. Fugini, S. Comai, “waterFSA: a Contact-less Water Flow Source Analyzer for the Household to Enable HAR and ADL Recognition”, IEEE WETICE 2023 Conf., Paris, Dec. 2023
  3. C Raibulet, K Drira, C Fornaro, M Fugini, Introduction to special issue on software architectures for smart and adaptive systems (SASAS), 2023/5 vol. 157


  1. M Fugini, J Finocchi Data and Process Quality Evaluation in a Textual Big Data Archiving System, ACM Journal on Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 15 (1), 2022, pp. 1-19.
  2. M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, E. Rossi, “Adaptive Semantic Enrichment of Cartography for Intangible Cultural Heritage and Citizen Journalism”, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC’22), San Francisco, 3-4 March 2022. paper
  3. S Castano, V De Antonellis, M Fugini, B Pernici, “Techniques for the Analysis of Conceptual Schemas”, SEBD’22, “Taste of Time” Award, June 2022.
  4. S. Comai, J. Finocchi, M.G. Fugini, T. Mastos, A. Papadopoulos, “Sharing Semantic Knowledge for Autonomous Robots: Cooperation for Social Robotic Systems”, The 24th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence, iiWAS 2022. Bari, Italy, Nov 28-30, 2022. To appear in  Information Integration and Web Intelligence, Volume 13635, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  5. M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, and E. Rossi “Adaptive Ontologies for Multimedia Maps”, EARET Track in 32nd BARCELONA International Conference on “Science, Engineering and Waste Management” (BSEWM-22),  Dec. 5-7, 2022 Barcelona, Spain.


  1. M. Atzori, A. Barenghi, S. Comai, M. Fugini, D. Marcia, G. Pelosi, M. Sanguinetti and V. Scotti, “Improving Work Life Conditions via Portable Knowledge-Driven Recommender System”, SEBD’21, Sept.2021.
  2. S. Mirza,H. Abbas, W.B. Shahid, N. Shafqat, M.G. Fugini, Z. Iqbal, Z. Muhammad, A Revamp Malware Evasion Technique for Auditing Android Anti-Malware Solutions”, IEEE WETICE CoNeSec’21 Conf., Basque Coast – Bayonne, France, Oct.2021
  3. P. Guerrieri, S. Comai, M.G. Fugini, “WECRAFT: a Platform for Networking Rural Craftsmen in Co-Production of Artisanal Crafts”, IEEE WETICE W2T’21 Conf., Basque Coast – Bayonne, France, Oct.2021. paper
  4. R.Bonacin, M.G.Fugini, O.Nabuco, R.Martoglia, F.Sais, “Web2Touch 2021 – Semantic Technologies For Smart Information Sharing and Web Collaboration”, IEEE WETICE W2T’21 Conf., Bayonne, Oct.2021. Editors Foreword
  5. M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, “A Framework for Adaptive Context and User-Related
    Management of Multimedia Contents”, ECSA 2021 Virtual Conference, CASA Workshop, Sept. 13, 2021. paper
  6. C. Raibulet, K. Drira, M.G. Fugini, G. Nunes Lo, P. Pelliccione, and T. Bures. 2020. Report of the 4th International Workshop on Context-aware Autonomous and Smart Architectures (CASA@ECSA 2021). SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes
  7. S. Comai, P. Guerrieri, M.G. Fugini, “Evolving Experiences of Participation: Towards an e-ILAUD Tool”, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Sept. 7-10, 2021. paper
  8. M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, “Data and Process Quality Evaluation in a Textual Big Data forthcoming, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Sept-Oct. 2021.
  9. M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, P. Locatelli, “A Big Data Analytics Architecture for Smart Cities and Smart Companies”, Big Data Research Journal, Elsevier Publ. 2021. Volume 24, 15 May 2021, 100192, ISSN 2214-5796,  available at  paper
  10. M.G. Fugini, J. Finocchi, “Gesture Recognition in an IoT environment: a Machine Learning-based Prototype”, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC’21), Vancouver, 2021. Springer, Vol. 1363, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. paper


  1. M. Fugini, A. Barenghi, S. Comai, G. Pelosi, R. Tedesco, Mvan Gasteren, et al., “WorkingAge: Providing Occupational Safety through Pervasive Sensing and Data Driven Behavior Modeling”, Proc. 30th European Safety and Reliability ESREL 2020 Conf. and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Research Publishing, Singapore, ISBN: 981-973-0000-00-0 :: doi: 10.3850/981-973-0000-00-0 output. paper
  2. M. Fugini, J. Finocchi, G. Trasa, “Gesture Recognition for Navigation in Multi-Dimensional Data”, IEEE WETICE W2T’20 Conf., Basque Coast – Bayonne, France, November  2020. paper
  3. M. Fugini, J. Finocchi,” Quality Evaluation for Documental Big Data Tools”, ICEIS Conf. Prague, May 2020. paper
  4. C. Raibulet, K. Drira, M.G. Fugini, G. Nunes Lo, P. Pelliccione, and T. Bures. 2020. Report of the 2nd International Workshop on Context-aware Autonomous and Smart Architectures (CASA@ECSA 2018). SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 45, 1 (Jan. 2020), 14–17. DOI:
  5. de Almeida, R. M. Resende; Aguado, Y Bueno; Atzori, M; Barenghi, A; Borghini, G; Ortega, C A Catalina; Comai, S; R Losada Duran, Fugini, M.; Gunes, H; Lancis, B M; Pelosi, G; Ronca, V; L Sbattella, R Tedesco; Xu, T., “Decision Support Systems to Promote Health and Well-being of People during their Working Age: the Case of the WorkingAge EU Project”, Int. Conf.on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, Samos, July 2020. paper


  1. M.G.Fugini, J.Finocchi, F.Leccardi, P.Locatelli, and A.Lupi, “A Text Analytics Architecture for Smart Companies”, IEEE WETICE W2T’19 Conf., Capri, June 2019. paper.  In S. Reddy (ed): 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2019, Naples, Italy, June 12-14, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-0676-2
  2. N.Badr, M. Sorrentino, M.De Marco and M.G.Fugini, “Improving Interaction in Integrated Chronic Care Management”, IEEE WETICE W2T’19 Conf., Capri, June 2019. paper. In S. Reddy (ed): 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2019, Naples, Italy, June 12-14, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-0676-2
  3. R.Bonacin, M.G.Fugini, O.Nabuco, R.Martoglia, F.Sais, “Web2Touch 2019 – Semantic Technologies For Smart Information Sharing and Web Collaboration”, IEEE WETICE W2T’19 Conf., Capri, June 2019. Editors Foreword. paper. In S. Reddy (ed.): 28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2019, Naples, Italy, June 12-14, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-0676-
  4. C.Raibulet, K.Drira, M.G.Fugini, P.Pelliccione, T.Bures, “Software Architectures for Context-Aware Smart Systems”, Editorial Information and Software Technology, vol.  111 (2019), 120–121. Elsevier. editorial


  1. C.Cappiello, M.Fugini, P.Grefen, B.Pernici, P.Plebani, M.Vitali, Fondamenti di Sistemi Informativi, September 5, 2018.(
  2. M.G.Fugini, P.Maggiolini, and R.Salvador Vallés, Sistemas y  tecnologías de la información en las organizaciones, Piramide Publisher, Madrid, Feb. 2018.
  3. M.G.Fugini, P.Maggiolini, and R.Salvador Vallés, “Why e-Government Systems Fail: The Systems for the Labor Market”, ISMS’18, Malta, Feb. 22-23, 2018 .
  4. A.Javaid, I.Rashid, H.Abbas,M.G.Fugini, “Ease or Privacy? A Comprehensive Analysis on Android Embedded Adware”, IEEE WETICE W2T’18 Conf., Paris, June 2018.
  5. M.G.Fugini,J.Finocchi, “Innovative Big Data Analytics: a System for Document Management”,  IEEE WETICE W2T’18 Conf., Paris, June 2018. Best Track Paper Award.
  6. R. Bonacin, M.G.Fugini,O.Nabuco, R.Martoglia, “Foreword to IEEE W2T Track “, IEEE WETICE W2T’18 Conf., Paris, June 2018.


  1. M.G. Fugini, P.Maggiolini, and R.Salvador Vallés. “A framework for benchmarking public websites in the labour sector.” International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 12.1 (2017): 45-69.
  2. C.Raibulet, M.G. Fugini, K. Drira, P.Pelliccione, I. Gerostathopoulos, K.Moessner,  & C.Prehofer, (2017, September). “Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures”, (CASA@ ECSA 2017). In Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures (CASA@ ECSA 2017).
  3. F.Amarilli, F.Amigoni, M.G.Fugini, G.P.Zarri, “A Semantic-Rich Approach to IoT Using the Generalized World Entities Paradigm”, in Managing the Web of Things: Linking the Real World to the Web, Michael Sheng, Yongrui Qin, Lina Yao,Boualem Benatallah (Eds.), Elsevier, 105-147, Ch.4, 2017.
  4. M. Teimourikia, M.G.Fugini, and C.Raibulet, “Run-Time Security and Safety Management in Adaptive Smart Work Environments”, IEEE WETICE’17 Conf., SSTM 2017 Security, Safety and Trust Management Track, June 21-21, Poznan, 2017.
  5. M.G. Fugini, W.Cellary, “Foreword to IEEE WETICE Conference”, IEEE WETICE’17 Conf.,  June 21-23, Poznan, 2017.
  6. N.Dessì, et al. “Special Issue on Advanced Technologies Enabling Adaptive and Collaborative Smart Systems.” Future Generation Computer Systems (2016) Special Issue on “Adaptive and Cooperative Semantic Smart Systems”, Editors Foreword (2017): 361-364.


  1. M.G.Fugini, M.Teimourikia,“A web-based cooperative tool for risk management with adaptive security” , Future Generation Comp. Syst., Special Issue on “Semantic Web for Cooperation”, FGCS 54, Vol. 54, January 2016.
  2. M.Teimourikia, M.G.Fugini, “Ontology development for run-time safety management methodology in Smart Work Environments using ambient knowledge.” Future Generation Computer Systems (2016) Special Issue on “Adaptive and Cooperative Semantic Smart Systems”,  on line, August 2016.
  3. E.Bracci, M.G.Fugini, M.F. Sicilia (Eds.), Co-Production of Public Services:Experiences and ChallengesSpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology  PoliMI SpringerBriefs, July  2016.
  4. E.Bracci, M.G.Fugini, M.Sicilia, (2016). Co-Production of Public Services: Meaning and Motivations. In Co-Production in the Public Sector (pp. 1-11). Springer International Publishing.
  5. M.G.Fugini, M. Teimourikia, “The Role of ICT in Co-Production of e-Government Public Services” (Chapter 8), in In Co-Production in the Public Sector (pp.119-139). Springer International Publishing.
  6. M.Teimourikia, M.G.Fugini, “Co-Engineering Security and Safety in Internet of Things”, 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2016).
  7. M.Teimourikia, M.G.Fugini, E.Zio, “Methodology for Safety Management of Smart Work Environments”, IEEE WETICE W2T’16 Conf., Paris, June 2016.
  8. M.Teimourikia, G. Marilli, M.G.Fugini, “Context-based Risk-Adaptive Security Model and Run-time Conflict Analysis”, DEXA Conf., Porto, September,  pp. 121-135, 2016. paper.
  9. O. Nabuco, R. Bonacin, M. Fugini, and R. Martoglia. Web2touch 2016: Evolution and security of collaborative web knowledge. In 2016 IEEE 25th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), pages 214–216, June 2016
  10. R.Bonacin, N. Dessì, M.G.Fugini, O. Nabuco, M.R. da Silveira, “Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Collaborative Web”,  Future Generation Computer Systems 54.C (2016): 344-347 ,  Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Collaborative Web, Future Generation Computer Systems 54 (C), 344-347.
  11. P.Locatelli, M.G. Fugini, F.Cirilli, “Innovazione sociale sostenibile per l’assistenza integrata alle persone fragili a domicilio: il Progetto Attiv@bili”, Risorse Comuni,
  12. M.G.Fugini, J.Finocchi, M.Vitali, P.Locatelli, L.Gastaldi, G.Garavaglia, F.Cirilli, S. Moraschi,”Uso delle piattaforme ICT a supporto dei servizi socio-sanitari: il progetto Attiv@bili”, MECOSAN – Management ed economia sanitaria. F.Angeli, n.98, 2016.


  1. M.G.Fugini, F.Cirilli, P. Locatelli, “Integrated Care Solutions. ERCIM News 2015(102), 2015.
  2. N.Restifo, F.Cirilli, L-Gastaldi, M.G. Fugini,  G.Garavaglia,  and L. Chiantore “Health and social care services for frail people: ICT as a sustainable enabler of integrated care”. In International conference eHealth 2015 (pp. 193-197).
  3. C.Argiolas, N.Dessì, M.G. Fugini, B.Pes, “Adaptive Security in BIM Document Sharing”, ISCIS Conf. 2015, London, Sept. 2015.
  4. M.G. Fugini, M. Teimourikia, “RAMIRES: Risk Adaptive Management in Resilient Environments with Security”, IEEE 23rd WETICE Conf. IEEE, Cyprus, June 2015.
  5. O. Nabuco, R.Bonacin, M.G. Fugini, “Web2Touch 2015 Track Report: Modeling the Collaborative Web Knowledge. WETICE Workshops 2015: 216-217.
  6. A. Barenghi, L. Breveglieri, M.G. Fugini, G. Pelosi, “Computer Security Anchors in Smart Grids: The Smart Metering Scenario and Challenges”, Book Chapter in B.Candaele, D.Soudris, I. Anagnostopoulos (Eds.), Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems, Springer 2015, XXVI, 299 p. 151 ISBN 978-3-319-09420-5. IEEE


    • M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, R. Salvador Vallés, e-Government and Employment Services A Case Study in Effectiveness Series: SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology  PoliMI SpringerBriefs 2014, VIII.
    • ECO2Clouds Team, “ECO2Clouds: Models and Eco-Metrics. Trying to Understand the Environmental Impact of Your Cloud Applications”, FIRE Magazine, 2014.
    • M.G. Fugini, M. Teimourikia, “Access Control Privileges Management for Risk Areas”, Proc. ISCRAM-MED Conf., Toulouse, Oct. 15-17, 2014, in Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries, C. Hanachi et al. (Eds), Springer LNBIP 196.
    • M.G. Fugini, M. Teimourikia, “Risks in Smart Environments and Adaptive Access Controls”, Proc. 4th  Int. Conf. on Innovative Computing Technology (IEEE-INTECH), London, Aug. 13-15, 2014.
    • M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, M. Teimourikia, “Adaptive Security for Risk Management Using Spatial Data”, Proc. DEXA Conf., Munich, Sept. 1-3, 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8644 LNCS (PART 1), pp. 343-351.
    • M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, M. Teimourikia, “Dynamic Security Modelling in Risk Management Using Environmental Knowledge”, Proc. of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, IEEE WETICE Conf., Parma, June 23-25, 2014, pp. 429-434.
    • O. Nabuco, R. Bonacin, M.G. Fugini, M. Da Silveira, “Track report of modeling the collaborative web knowledge (Web2Touch 2014)”, Proc. of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, IEEE WETICE Conf., Parma, June 23-25, 2014, pp. 396-398.


    1. M.G. Fugini,  U. Wajid, B. Pernici, “Energy Efficient Systems”, White Paper (November 2013).
    2. M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, R. Salvador Vallés, “E-Government Typologies, Stakeholder Relationships, and Information Systems Support: the case of Services to Employment”, Proc. 13th ECEG 2013, Como, June 13-14, 2013, pp.187-195.
    3. M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, R. Salvador Vallés, “Public Innovative ICT Based Employment Service Success Factors”, In P. Spagnoletti (ed.), Organizational Change and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organization Vol. 2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37228-5, Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg 2013, pp. 41-49.
    4. N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, G.F. Garau, and B. Pes, “Architectural and Security Aspects in Innovative Decisional Supports”, Proc. ITAIS’13 Conf., Milano, Dec. 13, 2013.
    5. M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, “Principles of Authorization Design for Spatial Data’’, Proc. ITAIS’13 Conf., Milano, Dec. 13, 2013.
    6. C. Cappiello, S.Datre, M.G. Fugini, P.Melià, B.Pernici, P.Plebani, M.Gienger, A.Tenschert. “Monitoring and Assessing Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in Cloud-Based Systems”, IEEE SMC 2013 Conference (SMC2013:S15), Manchester, Oct. 13-16, 2013, pp. 127-132.
    7. A. Kipp, T. Jiang, J, Liu, M. G. Fugini, I. Anghel, T. Cioara, D. Moldovan, I. Salomie, “Energy-Aware Provisioning of HPC Services through Virtualised Web Services”, in Studies in Computational Intelligence (Formerly known as: Concurrency Practice and Experience) , 432, pp. 29-53.
  •  2012
    1. A.KippT. Jiang, M.G Fugini, I.Salomie, “Layered Green Performance Indicators”, Future Generation Comp. Syst. 28 (2): pp. 478-489 (2012).
    2. Kipp, T. Jiang, J. Liu, M.G. Fugini, M. Vitali, B. Pernici, I. Salomie, “Applying Green Metrics to Optimise the Energy-consumption Footprint of IT Service Centres”, Int. Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, 2 (3), 158-174, 2012.
    3. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Risk Assessment in Work Environments: Modelling and Simulation”, Wiley Journal on Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 24 (18), 2012, pp. 2381-2403.
    4. O. Nabuco, M.G. Fugini, M. Da Silveira, K. Drira, and R. Bonacin, (2011). Choices and Internet Service Management. Int.Journal of Web Portals, 3(3), iv-vii.
    5. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, F. Ramoni, “Strategies for risk facing in work environments”, Computer and Information Sciences II – 26th Int. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2011, E. Gelenbe,  R. Lent and  G.Sakellari Editors, Springer pp. 425-431.
    6. Olga Nabuco, Rodrigo Bonacin, Mariagrazia Fugini, Marcos Da Silveira: Web2Touch Track Report: 5th Track on Modeling the Collaborative Web Knowledge. Proc. IEEE WETICE 2012: 429-431
    7. M.G. Fugini, J.A. Parejo Maestre, “Energy Analysis of Services through Green Metrics: Towards Green Certificates”, Proc. ICISTM Conf., Grenoble, March 28-30, 2012, pp. 247-258.
    8. B.Pernici, C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, M. Vitali, I. Salomie, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, E. Henis, R. Kat, D. Chen, G. Goldberg, M. Vor dem Berge, W. Christmann, A. Kipp, T. Jiang, M. Bertoncini, D. Arnone, and A. Rossi, “Setting Energy Efficiency Goals in Data Centres: the GAMES approach”, E2DC’12, Madrid, May 8th, 2012, pp. 1-12.
    9. M.G. Fugini, J.A. Parejo Maestre, “Methodology for Green Certificates of Service Applications”, Proc. IEEE WETICE 2012 Conf., pp. 474-479, Toulouse, June 2012.
    10. A. Barenghi, L. Breveglieri, M.G. Fugini, G. Pelosi, “Smart Meters and Home Gateway Scenarios”, In A. Cicchetti and C. Rossignoli (eds.) IX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS Organization Change and Information Systems: Working and Living Together in New Ways. ITHUM Srl, 2012.


  1. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, “A Self-Healing Approach to Risk Management in Work Environments”, ERCIM News No. 84. Intelligent and Cognitive System, ERCIM News 2011(84): 38 (2011).
  2. M.G. Fugini, A. Kipp, T. Jiang, “Green Metrics for energy-aware IT systems”, 5th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2011), June 30th-July 2nd, 2011 Seoul, Korea, pp. 241-248.
  3. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, “Service-Oriented Architecture for Risk Management”, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on New Technologies of Distributed Systems  NOTERE’11, Paris, May 10 – 12, 2011 Article number 5957995.
  4. C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Application Driven IT Service Management for Energy Efficiency”, Proceedings of 2011 SIGGreen Workshop. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(131).
  5. M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, C. Raibulet, “Trusted Services for Risk Management in Work Environments”, Fifth FTRA IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE’11), Crete, June 28-30, 2011, pp. 177-182.
  6. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, S. Pinardi, “Smart Solutions for Risk Prevention through Analysis of Persons’ Movements”, in Grid and Pervasive Computing, Int.Workshops, S3E, in Conjunction with GPC 2011, Oulu, Finland, May 11-13, 2011.  LNCS , Vol. 7096, Rautiainen, M. et al. (Eds.) 2012, pp. 3-13.
  7. M.G. Fugini, R. Israëls, O. Constantin, C. Raibulet, F. Ramoni, “Simulation of Risks for Monitoring and Prevention”, Int. Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), Miami, July 7 – 9, 2011, pp. 602-607.
  8. C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, M. Vitali, “Business Process Co-Design for Energy-Aware Adaptation”, IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2011), Special Session on Green Computing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 25 – 27, 2011, pp.463-470.
  9. M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, “Security and Trust in Cloud Scenarios”, 1st IEEE Int. Workshop on Securing Services on the Cloud, In conjunction with the 5th int. Conf. on Network and System Security (NSS2011), Milano, Sept. 7, 2011.
  10. A. Barenghi, G.M. Bertoni, L. Breveglieri, M.G. Fugini, G. Pelosi, “Smart Metering in Power Grids: Application Scenarios and Security”, 1st IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia Conf., Perth, November 13-16, 2011 art. no. 6167108.
  11. C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Green Information Systems for Sustainable IT”, in: A. D’Atri, M. Ferrara, G. Joey, F., P. Spagnoletti (Eds.), Information Technology and Innovation Trends, Physica-Verlag, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 153-160.
  12. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, F. Ramoni, “A Prototype for Risk Prevention and Management in Working Environments”, in: A. D’Atri, M. Ferrara, G. Joey, F., P. Spagnoletti (Eds.), Information Technology and Innovation Trends, Physica-Verlag, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 469-477.
  13. O. Nabuco, M.G. Fugini, M. Da Silveira, K. Drira, (2011). “Foreword Web2Touch: Living experience through the web”,  International Journal of Web Portals, 3(1), ii-iii.
  14. O. Nabuco, M.G. Fugini, M. Da Silveira, K. Drira, R. Bonacin, (2011). “Choices and internet service management”, International Journal of Web Portals, 3(3), iv.


  1. C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Application Driven IT Service Management for Energy Efficiency”, SIGGreen Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2010, St. Louis December 12 – 15, 2010.
  2. M.G. Fugini, G. Hadjichristofi, “A Dynamic Web Service-based Trust and Reputation Scheme for Scientific Workflows”, in 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010), Paris, Nov. 8-10, 2010, pp. 56-63.
  3. C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, G.R. Gangadharan, A. Mello Ferreira, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “First-step Toward Energy-aware Adaptive Business Processes” Springer, (pp. 6-7). :9783642169601 Proc. COOPIS 2010 Hersonissos, Crete, Greece,  DOI:
  4. M.G. Fugini, G.R. Gangadharan, B. Pernici, “Designing and Managing Sustainable IT Service Systems”, in Competitive and Sustainable Manufacturing, Product and Services (APMS) Conf. 2010, Cernobbio, Italy, Oct. 11-13, 2010.
  5. C. Cappiello, M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, “Efficienza Energetica nei Sistemi Informativi: l’approccio GAMES”, AICA Conf., L’Aquila, 28-30 Sett. 2010.
  6. V. Andrikopoulos, M.G. Fugini, M. P. Papazoglou, M. Parkin, B.Pernici, H. Siadat, “QoS Contracts Formation and Evolution”, in 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2010), Bilbao, Aug.30-Sept.3, 2010, pp. 119-130.
  7. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Risk Characterization and Prototyping”, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on New Technologies of Distributed Systems  NOTERE’10, Tozeur, Tunisia, May 31-June 2, 2010, pp. 57-64.
  8. M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “A Web-Service Architectural Perspective on Risk Management in Work Environments”, Proc. 2010 Workshop Living experience through the web (Web2Touch), in conjunction with  NOTERE’2010 , May 29 – 30, 2010, Tozeur – Tunisia, pp. 327-332.
  9. G. Friedrich, M.G. Fugini, E.Mussi, B. Pernici, G.Tagni, “Exception Handling for Repair in Service-Based Processes”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol.36, n. 2, 2010, pp.198-215.
  10. M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, B. Pagamici, “Perché è Difficile Fare Vero E-Government, in Etica e Responsabilità Sociale delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione, vol.2- Etica ed Internet, F. Angeli Editore, collana Informatica e Organizzazione, 2010, pp.131-146.
  11. I. Celino, D. Cerizza, M. Cesarini, E. Della Valle, F. De Paoli, J. Estublier, M.G. Fugini, A. Gómez Pérez, M. Kerrigan, P. Guarrera, M. Mezzanzanica, J. Ramìrez, B. Villazón, and G. Zhao, “SEEMP: A Networked Marketplace for Employment Services”, in Semantic Technologies for E-Government, Springer, 2010, Part 2, pp. 151-183.


  1. M.G. Fugini, B. Pernici, F. Ramoni, “Quality Analysis of Composed Services Through Fault Injection”, Information System Frontiers, Special Issue on Collaborative Business Processes, Volume 11, Issue 3 (2009), pp. 227- 239.
  2. M.G. Fugini, H. Siadat, “SLA Contract for Cross-layer Monitoring and Adaptation”, in BPM Workshops, event driven BPM (edBPM) Workshop, Ulm Sept. 2009, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2010, Volume 43, Part 5, pp. 412-423.
  3. M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Reflections on Web-Oriented Architectures for Risk Management”, in Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, 2009. WI-IAT ’09. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on, E-Government and Emergency Management (EGOVEM) Workshop, Milan, 15-18 Sept. 2009, pp. 361-364.
  4. G.M. Conti, F. Rizzo, M.G. Fugini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Wearable Services in Risk Management”, in Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, 2009. WI-IAT ’09. IEEE/WIC/ACM Int.Joint Conferences on, Milan, 15-18 Sept. 2009, pp. 563-566.
  5. M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, “Risk Management through Real-Time Wearable Services”, in Proc ICSEA 2009), Porto, 20-25 Sept. 2009, pp. 163-168.
  6. The WS-Diamond Team, “WS-DIAMOND Web Services – DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis”, At your service: An overview of results of projects in the field of service engineering of the IST program MIT Press Series on Information Systems, E. Di Nitto, J. Mylopoulos, M. Papazoglou (Eds.), June 2009.
  7. M.Cesarini, M. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, M. Mezzanzanica, R. Salvador Vallès, “The Neglected Problem: How to Really Benchmark the Effectiveness of ICT Based Services? A Case Study”, Proc. 14th conference of AIM (Association Information and Management), Marrakech, 10 -12 June 2009.
  8. M.G. Fugini, “A Service Integration Platform for the Labor Market”, Proc. ICEIS Conf., Milano, 6-10 May 2009,  Volume 24, III, pp, 445-455, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 24 LNBIP, Best Paper Award in the Information Systems Analysis and Specification Area .
  9. N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, B. Pes, “A Distributed Trust and Reputation Framework for Scientific Grids”, Proc. RCIS’09 Conf., Fez, 22-24 April 2009, pp. 265-274.
  10. F. Buccafurri, P. De Meo, M.G. Fugini, R. Furnari, A. Goy, G. Lax, P. Lops, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, D. Redavid, G. Semeraro, D. Ursino, “A Framework for Using Web Services to Enhance QoS for Content Delivery”, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Special Issue Intelligent Pervasive Multimedia Systems, January-March 2009, pp. 26-35.
  11. M. Comuzzi, M.G. Fugini, S.Modafferi, “Quality Contracts for Cooperative Services and Associated Resources”, Collaborative Business Processes (CBP) Workshop – 6th Int. Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2008), Milan, 1-4 September 2008, pp. 561-572 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 17 LNBIP.  



  1. F. Buccafurri, P. De Meo, M. G. Fugini, R. Furnari, A. Goy, G. Lax, P. Lops, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, D. Redavid, G. Semeraro, D. Ursino, “Analysis of QoS in Cooperative Services for Real Time Applications”, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol.67, Issue 3, December 2008, Elsevier Publisher, pp. 463-484.
  2. I. Celino, D. Cerizza, M. Cesarini, E. Della Valle, F. De Paoli, J. Estublier, M.G. Fugini, A. Gómez Pérez, M. Kerrigan,  J. Ramìrez, G. Vega., B. Villazón, and G. Zhao, “The SEEMP approach to Semantic Interoperability for E-Employment, Chapter 6 of Semantic Web  for Business: Cases  and Applications, R. García (Ed.) IGI Global, 2008.
  3. A. Bosin, N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, B. Pes, “Cooperative E-Organizations for Distributed Bioinformatics Experiments”, Proc. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2008), Daejeon, Korea, November 2-5, 2008, LNCS, vol. 5326, Springer 2008, pp. 306–313.
  4. M. Cesarini, M.G. Fugini, P. Maggiolini, M. Mezzanzanica, K. Nanini, “A Solution to Knowledge Management in Information-Based Services Based on Coopetition, A Case Study Concerning Work Market Services”, in Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information systems Studies, A.D’Atri, M.De Marco, N. Casalino (Eds.), Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2008, pp. 189- 196.
  5. O. Nabuco, R. Ben Halima, K. Drira, M.G. Fugini, S. Modafferi, E. Mussi, “Model-based QoS-enabled Self-Healing Web Services”, DEXA 2008,  1st EN-FINES’08 Workshop – Turin, September, 1st-5th, 2008, pp. 711-715.
  6. A. Bosin, N. Dessi, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, “Open Source Environments for Collaborative Experiments in e-Science,” IFIP 4th Int.Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2008), IFIP World Computer Congress, Milano, Sept.2008, pp. 415-416.
  7. N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini R. A. Balachandar, “Policies and Security Aspects for Distributed Scientific Laboratories”,  Proc. of the IFIP TC 11 23rd International Information Security Conference, (SEC 2008). IFIP World Computer Congress, Milano, Sept. 2008 , pp. 221-235.
  8. C. Argiolas, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, “Modeling Trust Relationships in Collaborative Engineering Projects”, Proc. 7th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business , 22–25 April 2008, Klagenfurt, Information Systems and e-Business Technologies LNCS, Volume 5, Part 4, pp. 555-566
  9. A.Bosin A., N. Dessì, M. G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “ALBA architecture as a proposal for OSS collaborative science”, in Handbook of Research on Open Source Software, K. St. Amant and B. Still eds. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008), pp. 68-78.
  10. A.Bosin, N. Dessì, M.G. Fugini, D. Liberati, B. Pes, “ALBA Cooperative Environment for Scientific Experiments”, in Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, M. Freire and M. Pereira eds. (Idea Group Inc., USA, 2008).